“The problem is that the system is broken, and no one knows how to fix it. I have proposed looking at what works elsewhere — particularly systems like the UK and Australia. We should take their ideas and adapt them to our situation.”—Dr. David Blumenthal, president of the Commonwealth Fund
There are several problems in the healthcare system today. As a consumer, I’m sick of being pushed around by insurance companies, pharmacies, and hospitals.
As a provider, I’m frustrated because my insurance company isn’t covering what I need. And as a taxpayer, I’m worried that the government doesn’t do enough to improve health care outcomes.
This is a serious issue that needs to be fixed. But we can’t fix it unless we start talking about it.
So let’s talk about it.
We all know that health care in America is broken.
And yet, there’s minimal public discussion about this issue. So, instead of convincing you why health care is broken, let’s look at ways to improve the system.
I’ll present five solutions and then share my story about how I started a small business to fix the problem.
The system we have now is completely broken. It is causing people who need treatment to either: A) wait months or years to receive care. Or B) get care but suffer poor outcomes. Either way, it’s a problem. But what could the solution look like? In this article, I will talk about the answers I’ve heard proposed by people in the mental health field.
Why the healthcare system is broken
Health care has always been a massive part of our country’s economy, but since the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, the system has changed dramatically.
While there have been improvements, there are still plenty of issues. The insurance industry is a big player in the business so that they can keep premiums down.
In addition, the government has been funding new technology and procedures to keep costs down. These innovations have created new problems that are only getting worse.
I’ve listed seven significant problems plaguing health care, which we will fix in this post.
1. Lack of transparency
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Lack of transparency
The healthcare system’s biggest problem today is its opaque. No one person has all the information.
A patient knows little to nothing about their healthcare provider, while the provider is often ignorant of their needs.
If you’re a patient, you’re essentially powerless to change anything. This is why health care is such a frustrating experience.
As a result, you are forced to deal with the insurance company, which is a different company than the provider.
If you’re a provider, you’re dealing with multiple insurance companies, which is incredibly difficult.
How the health care system works
While the United States spends more money on healthcare than any other nation, we consistently rank dead last in life expectancy, infant mortality, and overall quality of life.
Why? Because we’ve allowed the government to bully the American people into giving up control of their health.
We should be in charge of our health, not insurance companies.
We should have a single-payer system that covers all medical services.
That’s why I’m running for Congress as a single-payer supporter.
How the current system was designed
The problem isn’t that we need to fix the healthcare system. It’s that we need to select the system that is currently in place.
There are two main problems with our current health care system. The first problem is that it is too expensive.
The second problem is that it is too complex.
Let’s start with the first problem.
H3: Why the current healthcare system is too expensive
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Why the current healthcare system is too expensive
Our healthcare system is too costly because it is designed to “bend over backward” to ensure everyone has coverage.
To understand why, we must look at who pays for health care.
Why it’s so hard to change the system
In short, changing the healthcare system is challenging because we have a substantial and decisive vested interest in maintaining it.
Let’s look at some of the most prominent players.
Insurance companies
Health insurers have the largest lobbying budget and the most influence. They have an incentive to keep the status quo.
Pharmacy chains are also well-funded and politically active. Their only goal is to make a profit.
Hospitals are not only huge and politically active, but they also have a lucrative business model. Looking at the list of hospitals and clinics online, you’ll see that healthcare systems own many.
And don’t forget the doctors.
Hospitals and doctors are big moneymakers.
Frequently Asked Questions About the Health Care System.
Q: What are the top two things that must be done to improve the healthcare system?
A: My top two suggestions would be to keep the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and ensure that the ACA is implemented correctly. We must keep our health insurance programs as they are now because the ACA has helped millions of Americans with the healthcare system.
I also think that it is essential to implement Obamacare properly so that every American has access to quality healthcare.
Q: Why should President Trump continue working towards fixing the healthcare system if he doesn’t think that the ACA is working?
A: President Trump wants to ensure everyone in America accesses affordable healthcare. We cannot let this opportunity pass us by because the ACA is not working as it was supposed to. If the ACA does not work, no one will be able to afford healthcare.
Top myths about Health Care System
1. Obamacare is bad for the health care system.
2. The ACA is not the best solution to our problems with health care costs.
3. We can’t afford to give everyone healthcare.
4. The ACA is forcing doctors out of business.
5. The ACA will be a disaster for us.
We all know that healthcare is an expensive and complicated process.
This blog post is to convince you that we should fix it.
The healthcare system is broken, but there are ways to improve it.