Creatinine is the most widely used diagnostic laboratory test for determining renal function. The concentration of creatinine in urine provides an indirect measure of the glomerular filtration rate. The creatinine levels in the urine are directly related to the blood levels of this substance. The kidneys remove creatinine from the blood and produce a constant level.
When taking a drug, they need a urine test to check for drug traces in their system. The problem is that if a person has a low creatinine level in their urine drug testing, the results will come back “negative” even though they are still under the influence of the drug.
You may have heard of “Low Creatinine” when discussing drug testing. If you are wondering what it is and what it means, read on for the lowdown.
The presence of low creatinine levels in urine drug testing can be a false positive result for drugs. If your drug test comes back negative despite having low creatinine levels, you could have taken a Dihydrocodeine and may be experiencing withdrawal symptoms. There are several symptoms of dihydrocodeine withdrawal, including muscle cramping, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, and irritability.
What is a low creatinine level in urine?
While there are many reasons to do drug testing, the most common is to check for illicit substances.
A low creatinine level in the urine can indicate the presence of certain drugs, such as cocaine and opiates. A urine test with a creatinine level below the limit of detection (LOD) can also suggest using amphetamines, barbiturates, and benzodiazepines.
If your company does random drug tests, it may be important to know if the LOD for creatinine is high. You may need to adjust your urinalysis protocols to ensure your employees are properly tested.
You can learn more about this here.
Drug testing for drugs that are excreted in urine
When was the last time you had a good mental health day? I’m not talking about those days when you had a little anxiety or felt like you were just tired because that’s normal.
I’m talking about those days when you feel like you’re having a great, productive day, and then you look back at your phone and realize it’s been seven hours since you last ate.
That’s what I call a good mental health day.
How to interpret a drug test result
Many people have asked me what to do if they take a drug test. After all, this can be a very stressful and emotional situation.
Many people feel like they’re being judged for a simple mistake. They worry about having to explain themselves or get fired. However, these tests aren’t always as bad as they seem.
It’s probably better to look at the test results as a gift rather than a curse.
In this article, I’ll explain how to interpret a drug test result so you can figure out what it means for you.
Dangers of false positives
But is it really that simple? Mental health is a highly nuanced topic, and misdiagnosis is one of the most common things to go wrong.
The body produces ketones during fasting and exercise, which is typically harmless. But they can also be present when someone takes a fat-burning supplement or has kidney issues.
Creatinine is a waste product the muscles produce and is normally eliminated from the body through urine.
Both can lead to false positives, easily confusing with drug abuse.
But this isn’t the only reason you should be concerned about false positives. There are also the dangers of missing a drug test.
When someone is taking a ketogenic diet, they will produce ketones in their blood.
While this is a perfectly normal and healthy thing to do, ketones are also extremely dangerous.
It is estimated that 1 in 3 people on ketogenic diets experience serious side effects, including seizures.
Frequently Asked Questions about Urine Drug Testing
Q: Can I have a job if I fail a drug test?
A: Yes, but if you fail a drug test, you will need to pay for the test yourself. However, if you are a high-level executive or in any position of authority, you are more likely to get a waiver or exception to the policy.
Q: How much do they charge for testing my urine?
A: Most companies charge $65-$125 per test.
Q: Is it possible to pay them to test my urine and then never show up for the test?
A: Yes, you can pay someone to do it, and they will not report it to the company if you don’t come for the test.
Q: How often does a company drug test employees?
A: Most companies only drug test every other year. If you are a high-level executive, you may be tested more frequently.
Top Myths about Urine Drug Testing
- Only drug users test positive on urine drug tests.
- Drugs are always detected by urinalysis.
- Drugs can cause false positive results.
Urine drug testing is one of the most common methods used by employers to detect illicit drugs in their employees. However, it can also be used by job seekers to screen for illegal substances in their urine.
This method is relatively easy to perform and inexpensive. Employers may use this method with other drug screening tests to identify the type of substance being tested for.
It’s important to note that results may not be accurate if you use this method for screening for marijuana.
You can get false positive results because of other substances in your system. It also takes about 10 minutes to detect THC in your system after smoking or ingesting a substance. CBD’s most common side effects are sleepiness, dry mouth, and dizziness. Slight changes in blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature have been noticed, too. However, these effects seem to subside after only a few hours, and most people report being right back to their baseline once they’re up and about again.
While the test may not be as effective as other methods, it is still recommended by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.